
No such thing.


又見蘑菇  ◎  嘉仁
冷庫 。十四區 2006-01-03 23:47:39
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本地獨立電影先驅者﹑大榴槤 (The BIG Durian) 導演Amir Muhammad選了五部他個人最喜歡的2005年本地影片和短片﹐其中﹐蘑菇一定是少不了的。

其他包括《短片有限公司》短片之一的《Majidee》(真的有這個地方嗎﹖)﹐和最近得到2005年法國南特影展特別評審大獎的《Chemman Chaalai》(《天邊一朵雲》得Best Directing Award和Special Mention的那個)。陳翠梅也是《Chemman Chaalai》的製作人。

[ 點閱次數:4489 ]

2 則回應

Five favourite local films and short films for 2005:

Amir Muhammad.
1. Chemman Chaalai (directed by Deepak Kumaran Menon, 90 min) – Malaysia’s first homegrown Tamil movie in ages is not really a sweet coming-of-age story, but a witty and heartfelt treatise on race, class and nostalgia.

2. Company of Mushrooms (directed by Tan Chui Mui, 32 min) – Malaysia’s most promising young female director turns her gaze squarely at men in this story of a boozy gathering of friends; the results aren’t pretty but scabrous and hilarious amidst unexpected melancholy.

3. Majidee (Directed by Azharr Rudin, 15 min) – a one-take wonder from Puduraya to Central Market as we follow two men, one of whom might be a con artist. Simple and somehow profound. There are no false notes in its writing, directing, acting and photography (by the ubiquitous James Lee).

4. Senario XX (Directed by Aziz M Osman, 100 min) – Oddball slapstick fun that’s also a more astringent critique of celebrity culture than the same director’s Gila-Gila Pengantin Popular (2005).

5. Wicked (Directed by Aaron Chung, 3 min) – a more polished version of Chung’s earlier student short Crook (2003), but it’s still nasty and brutish enough to merit mention. Does TV cause violence? The eye-popping answer is not for the squeamish.
翠梅 [會員] 2006-01-04 @ 08:39
偉智 [訪客] · http://spaces.msn.com/members/clockworkcatshow 2006-01-05 @ 15:59


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