i like coffee so much!!!!!!!
i might b cum a barista one day
when i dare 2 go far away alone
i'll go 2 Santorini wif my pen n paper
i will write sth 4 my beloved here
one day
just wait.........
yulin [訪客]
2005-10-26 @ 21:47
dear Yulin
what is barista?
hah, my sis just left santorini last week
wait to see ur writing ya!
tcp [會員]
2005-10-27 @ 10:19
barista is known as bartender
an occupation tat specific in making coffee
i lk coffee
so plannin 2 master d skills of making cooffee
sure wil serve u a cup of irish coffee if gt chance
ur sis had travelled there?
possible 4 u 2 upload some pictures she taken there?
yulin [訪客]
2005-10-27 @ 22:34
dear yulin
such a cool job^^
my sis is back in shanghai now, will upload some pictures later
btw are u taiwanese?
tcp [會員]
2005-10-30 @ 15:00
what makes u feel lk that?
i am a real malaysian la!!!!
anyway i m looking 4ward the pictures
i m curious wats ur sis's occupation?
yulin [訪客]
2005-11-05 @ 17:57
no she's an auditor:)
likes travelling a lot
she has a news channel here:
how about u now?
tcp [會員]
2005-11-06 @ 08:13
i m sick these day
all sort of suffering
u r very hardworking ya in updating blog
kambateh ya :)
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