


無所不在的希臘  ◎  wan
關於童話及神話 2005-07-29 11:37:05
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那天翻開 Net and Books 才曉得由籃球大帝喬登所推廣到全世界的運動品牌Nike,是希臘勝利女神的名字。

根據希臘神話,天神宙斯 (Zeus) 把她送到地球來,為勝利者加冕。歷史學者考證,希臘神話中的勝利女神Nike,外型是有一對能飛的翅膀,充滿活力,從天上下凡間來為勝利者吟唱勝利之歌,並且獻酒及戴上王冠。 因此她是崇高的勝利女神象徵。把她用在運動場中,就象徵如同在戰場上的勝利代表。



[ 點閱次數:11584 ]

11 則回應

被碗丢到另一只鸟 [訪客] 2005-07-29 @ 11:47
是啊。希臘文化可以說是西方文明的起始。但是演變到今天,有句英文竟然說:「It's all Greek to me.」



wan [會員] 2005-07-29 @ 12:07
"It's all Greek to me."

Basically this saying draws an analogy of the strange-looking Greek alphabets to the subject concerned. How many of you can write or read out all the Greek alphabets in any order? I'm sure you get the point now. Once I was teased by a blood lab technician while working on some code, he asked in a jovial tone, "You're writing Greek, huh?" Well, actually it's an object-oriented DB language consists of Arab numerals and Latin scripts and symbols; not even a single Greek letter. Crying out loud.

The modern world we have now pretty much inherit from the ancient Greeks. I don't have problem living in the shadow of the Greeks. In fact I feel safe in that shade, I enjoy the atmosphere of wittiness, of urbanity, and benefit much from its secular outlook. Seeing lots eager to be Hebrews or Arabs or Indians scares the hell out of me.


This line, modified and worn-out, originates from "今夜的天空很希臘" in a poem by 余光中, my once-upon-a-time-favorite poet, and someone's perpetual nemesis...here....hehe. See, again I use an allusion of Greek myth. Oh, our world is so Greek. It scares you, huh?

And we don't have another five thousand years to waste. So, we shall hone our thinking using logic and reason.


You ever heard of the Greek system of faternity and sorority in American colleges. Do you know some cities in the U.S. are named after the ancient Greek city-states?

P.S. I have a miniature statue of Nike as shown in the picture.
C [訪客] 2005-07-29 @ 18:13
C: Name a few of them for me? Pity my lack of knowledge. ^^

Can we still smell a Chinese man on you?

Wan: 有说中国人有太多的文化太少的整合,所以老说不出个所以然。不知是不是外国的东西就会比较顺眼,老瞧着这些希腊艺术产物就是觉得中国的东西少了这种味道。是浪漫吗?




被碗丢到另一只鸟 [訪客] 2005-07-30 @ 21:00



wan [會員] 2005-07-31 @ 00:07

The cities/towns named Athens can be found in the State of Alabama, Georgia, Illinois, California, Louisiana, Maine, Michigan, New York, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Tennessee, Texas, Vermont, Virginia, West Virginia, and Wisconsin. Cities/towns named after Athens' arch-rival state, Sparta, can also be found in Georgia, Michigan, New Jersey, New York, North Carolina, Tennessee, and Wisconsin. Even one American state adopted a Greek island name -- Rhodes. And throughout the U.S., you can find residential areas called Arcadia, Cypruss, and some other Greek names. Nonetheless using Greek names is rather superficial as a true indicator of appreciating Hellenic culture, but I doubt European countries, the birthplace and aftermath of nationalism, ever or would follow this trend. Today's Europe, albeit clumped together with volatile city-state-alliance reminiscent of ancient Greece, is simply, jadedly, tragically too old to be Greek anymore.

"Can we still smell a Chinese man on you?"

Why not? My "narrow-mindedness" is pretty much a Chinese trait. Sometimes I even suspect myself of having the mindset of Confucian intellectuals of bygone days. My command of the Chinese language may not be superb, but it is on the same par with most of the well-versed folks here. I think and write in English because I want to put myself outside the system, receiving firsthand knowledge, reaching a wider audience?! I'm could be even more Chinese than you are...seriously.


There are plenty of white trashy tourists lording over our land too. These backpackers, maybe working as burger flippers in their nativeland or being on their way towards six feet under, can be as snobish as some princes and princesses of some fallen dynasty. Rude people are everywhere, from everywhere. That's globalization.
C [訪客] 2005-07-31 @ 12:45
C:That means the next time I'm in US I shall be very clear on the airport on which Athens or Spartan I wan to visit. A Malay courier once asked me which KL do I mean when I tried to send a parcel.

Oh dear don't be more of a Chineseman than u r now, then. I now have to carry a dictionary with me everytime I come to the blog, u know, just in case I will into someone...^^

I will hate myself if I have to carry a version of the book in Chinese too. So seriously I think let's leave the 文言文 and the rest of ur Chinese counterpart alone for a while.

Sometimes you rather remind me of 罗大佑, no offence. He is not an icon nowadays but I do remember the once when he was every 文化青年's idol.

Which part of US or Europe or Aussie have u been to? Like what u saw?
被碗丢到另一只鸟 [訪客] 2005-07-31 @ 15:18
Wan: "若你用心留意,你會發現我們現在的生活竟然都擺不脫希臘的影子,你才會知道它的恐怖。"







被碗丢到另一只鸟 [訪客] 2005-07-31 @ 15:47
"Sometimes you rather remind me of 罗大佑, no offence."

I'm baffled...well, once I liked him too (now hate him very much!), he was so great back then, I can never attain what he had achieved. But I'm flattered to be likened to someone ONCE so smart, thoughtful and talented ;)

I'd been in the west coast of the US. It's a nice place, though no paraside, but much nicer than any place I ever lived in. I wish to visit Europe someday.

And actually I don't yearn to be more Chinese than I am now. I don't cling to much of the tradition, real or imaginary, to retain the last shred of Chineseness.


Your abc evolved from Greek letters ;) Hope you get some iota of idea.


Greece and Persia were arid back then as they are now, not sure how you gonna explain their rise to superpower. In China the land suitable for agriculture is also quite limited. It's the predatory nature that drives us to be more efficient and powerful. The late 19th century imperial Japan serves as the best example.

And we don't have to 穿旗袍 to show our Chineseness. The good sense of practicality passed on from our ancestors is the most valuable thing. 旗袍 is a chic hopelessly cultivated to salvage the lost Chineseness from the ever-increasing modernization and globalization, just as vain as the attempt to revamp the Chinese religion.

C [訪客] 2005-07-31 @ 16:58
C: "The good sense of practicality passed on from our ancestors is the most valuable thing."

Chineseman will always be chineseman no matter where they are.现实could be a great trait in human beings. That's probably the best way for survival sometimes.

But I think the best attire for Chineseman now is money.
被碗丢到另一只鸟 [訪客] 2005-08-01 @ 15:06
文宗 [訪客] 2006-01-09 @ 12:40


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