您在文中也提及“拉惹们把砂劳越让给英国政府”;其实,一来,Vyner Brooke是否真的背弃砂劳越有待争议,有者透露是他向英国政府寻求资金上的协助时被英国政府软禁(您说得对,当时砂劳越二战之后国库空荡),因为英国政府抓住机会夺取政权;二来,反英殖民的拉惹至少还有Anthony Brooke。
Hi Greetings. I'm aware that your article is not really focused on history or politics, but I'd like to share what I know.
Fact is, there were many who preferred independence over British colonization.
There were riots, gun fights, imprisonment, assassination, massacre etc. (these were not in our text books as Malaya doesn't let Malaysians/Sarawakians learn Sarawakian history). Some though, are surfacing in bits and pieces with the help of world wide web.
I happen to know these as I have a mother who, in order to seek a better future for Sarawak, put in considerable effort going through international legal documents and books related to Sarawak and Borneo history (she does share the information collected with fellow Sarawakians on FB and other medias).
She also interviewed some old folks who lived through WWII.
Those who stood up and sought for independence were suppressed by force, some were unfortunately branded as communist terrorists.
There were tortures, murders, war is always ugly.
And do bear in mind that Britain played a huge part in getting Sarawak into Malaysia, literally giving Sarawak to Malaya (this is backed up by recently declassified British documents).
A referendum (to be an independent country or to be part of Malaysia) was avoided at all cost, as Britain didn't want to know/didn't care what Sarawakians wanted at that time.
I'm not sure if you are familiar with the different between Sarawak as a British colony and Sarawak as an independent country under Brooke. But there is a fundamental difference (sovereignty, independence, right).
Also, I can't help noticing that you mentioned "the Rajahs" gave Sarawak to British government. Well, it's actually arguable if Vyner Brooke really did "betray" Sarawak; some say he was grounded by the British when he went over to ask for loan (you were right that Sarawak was broke after WWII) and British saw the opportunity to take over Sarawak. Secondly, Anthony Brooke with significant backing from local Sarawakians, was against the cession to Britain.
Just sharing what I know, as a Sarawakian.
No ill will or offense intended.