


Restfully restless  ◎  Shanti
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By Yang JR

Arrest the wind please
for it passed by mountain
and had the scenes released
the restless breaking sound

Arrest the footprints please
for them being uneven
zigzagging left or right
without a certain line

Arrest the children please
for they exposed their voice
amidst childish games online
endlessly blame our land

Arrest the parents please
for they cried louder than the arrested children

Arrest the people please
for them being unable
to be let for a restful walk
to have wasted hundreds bullet
for they have threaten the rest in the station

Arrest the politic gamers please
for they used the people to exchange a sky
for they confused you
wondering how if our sky changed
arrest too whom delivered papers please
for they woke up too early
to assist politic gamers to spread rumours

Arrest the nationstate who endly skipped class
for it suffered from colour blind
for it pronounced poorly
for it failed to break even
for the restland of god, of the withering yellow one and of the three beauties

And for whom shall you be restless over the long night?

[ 點閱次數:9288 ]

1 則回應

L [訪客] · http://el1982.blogspot.com 2008-12-26 @ 00:45


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