


Could you tell the form of homesick easily?  ◎  Shanti
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By: eL
Trans. by: Tiong

I, Twisted Way
How the road twisted, and leave us as dependant
of slightly healed traveler. Our home is unlighted
in a deep place, falling leaves shall struggle
easily, our homesick chorus.

II, Falling Rain
And the rain falling, and makes my home further away.
The yam leaf as big as loneliness, cover some only
the form to be traced. And our tracks are steady,
our homesick not.

III, And it's foggy...
As the fog comes, the reason of the
return made short and unclear.
The traveler dives and moves in himself, he returns through the custom
in silence. Just the wind and dust are still ours, not to the homesick.

IV, Return
Return, is that a better way of diaspora?
We do not see our back proudly, who learned poetry,
The homesick has no
obligation in our brightness.

V, Late departure
Departed, we arrived at a departure after years. It is time,
we're hurt and tortured by the landscape
and time,we truly know the homesick accept us always,
at the homely dining round table.

VI, Deep into the night...
It is late, night. The rain still quest upon in its familiar voice:
Are your strange feeling and the humid surrounding
relevant? And so
could you tell the form of homesick easily?

Sibu, a night surrounded by water...)

[ 點閱次數:9274 ]

1 則回應


Look forward to coming trans.
eL [訪客] 2009-03-26 @ 13:20


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