


Apologies to Rare Earth  ◎  Shanti
密室。選譯 2012-09-03 13:23:04
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Apologies to Lake

by eL trans. by Tiong

Lake, I am more wet than you
I experienced wetness, knowing the wetness is
not dry, what you do not know
and really not experienced
but I tell you

Lake, you do not think yourself dry
too. Coz you are wet, dryness is
not wet, it is in my experience of
lacking water, is what you have not thought, you
too do not think, actually why thinking
is dry, lake

Lake, only one reason of the blowing of the
wind, wind is blowing. Ripples
is but the waves on surface, I understand
my experience
but lake, you do not know yourself,
without knowing, not knowing self is moving
too. This I do not want to
hide from you, nothing
to be

Lake, yes lake. Changing
experiencing incidents and time
is the word is me. Lake, apologies to you
coz a matter of accepting apology, this too you
do not know.

Sidewise Rare Earth
/ Xing Yiwang Tr. by Zhang Yiping

1. Diluted
It must be the homesick
urging you to search
outside a land
to hold this sadness

but why
have you chosen my homeland
to dilute your

why have
you used my beauty
to dilute your

dear stranger
for why
you have wanted to use
me, leaving me
with undiluted sorrow
from the very beginning?

2. Smashed
Smashed love, muddy story,
muddy story diluted and
transformed as rare earth landed from the sky

Look, again it comes the travellers
with their hope, ploughed the land as if opening
the wallet, write with the hoe, planting contract and love

The unearthed land voices up the unearthed voice:
Smashed and desperation
What to do with hope——

Love and story
What to do with contract!
Unearthed land once again uses the unearthed sound

The sky is merely smashed

3. Rare
The man shouted to the sky:
“Let me tell you, I-believe- not-!”

During those years, the anger we have been tracing……

I heard the echoes:
Let me tell you, I- care- not-

4. Rare Earth
Playing wise for love
Making our love more and more

The thing of most melancholy/ Y.M.

By now, those familiar taste
and the fog
have probably spreaded a way,
a green bird passing by, in front,
with its clashing strike
once, the spring water from the sky has washed
and brighten up our forehead, arms, and the toes
exposed to the tiny sand,
it spins and flies, sighing a feather amidst you and I

Need not search for details:
From afar
Leaves and lilies behind
Leaning on the fences is the thing of most melancholy
The wind came from the left
Passing through the bamboo gate and blocked by a red wall
With the stand of prophecy, at the opposite sky
There is evening cloud

Rounding toward the direction of your stand, those
Real and false swinging non-stop
Transparenting the past sorrow and joy
Stubborn and frozen
The memory
Sinking at the cooling tears. With the
Expression of seeking help, I ask you.

Terminal of Helix

Prelude: I should bring you into the river of time, or departing……

Cat by the window
withdraw your restless eyes
in concentration

As long as you
obey, the back of cat
trembling skiing field

Do not hug too tight
eventhough more light and soft than cotton
cat is not a pillow

Shiiii, cat
like to be in such longing
interact with you

x x x

Give me the depth
to fully filled with tears
hit at the low land
evaporate at high place

Give me ocean
as if give me bladder
let me be able
to accept the dirty

Like give me the wind
Give me love
When the wind no longer blowing
I love you in fog

Give me heart
like a damaged qin
I perform for you
repaired in melodies

Give me you
The wind is you
blowing in qin
as if in a shell

The quiet wind
napping in qin
the silent you
rotation of my heart

Reborn Poems: Sirens/ Metallurgy By: Chenli Tr. Chantelle

The sweet and bitter music:
Couple of
Harmony and Solitude

My Astronomy
From your eyes
Forecast the shooting stars

The Claw of Time
Carving all the beauty
Before forehead

Awkward, the beast who forgot
The actor’s lines:
I seek love with my eyes

Summer wind blew through
The colour of wild rose
Released the fragrance

You are the Light piercing into my eyes/ YGY

1.You are the autumn
therefore my every bunches of thoughts are falling leaves

75.Long time after
I have learnt there'd no longer be waiting
I have learnt, all will be spreaded into the darkness
When the daylight lost in its own ray
When the link between night and night are
no longer dream-----

And I have learnt you are not cloud.
You are the Pure Land
You are the full bloom on the lips, frozen poppy
Eternal Night
You are the Light piercing into my eyes

[ 點閱次數:5099 ]




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