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-- Foolishly, I became speechless, an animal who forgot dialogues, I seek love with eyes.. -CL (Yao/Ye p.23)
The Poet and the Eagle(s?)
By cwL Tr. Tiong
As the skyline filled with imagination
My wings so enthusiastic
not for the hidden targets
My bird eye’s view is to enlarge their fear
I fly spirally, amidst the warm flow
exposed to the sun
not to be fed by the early opening of a day, the feast
I simply like the speed and height
to be close yet afar, from the earth
a poet in her home revealed me
in a painting of natural landscape flying so freely
eagle, steadily not slowly flying a way from the blue frame
from his thinking on this painting
I hope he will not misunderstand
I am not a material of good looking
however having my flow of direction and aesthetical search
And now the squirrel running inside to have a bite of
The floral fruit, secretly
The branches and sword of light creating the bright soulful
We have been used to encounter, without hope under the light
As if not seeing the outer appearances—spray no cologne
No tie, not brushing up the feather, landing without skill
As I fly by a spider hanging in the air, who travels on the silky
Return, back to the blue, melancholy frame, of the poet
He has ever focus his view, his angle, his facial expression
As if, only him a piece of beautiful, sustaining colours
How I hope he will see
I continue to fly spirally
Pondering on each other, with him
Forming the eternity
[呵呵﹐是不是很多小MAYmay尖叫罵我不識抬舉] 好啦﹐我後悔啦。但還是站著。
1. Born as Ant, Pretty as Aphrodite......
With eyes given to me by Hesse, in dark night I search for Brightness.........
2. Balik/Pulang dari Cuba
Mereka menghisap Cigar, mereka berbincang Cuba
Memohon visa ke Kontinen Amerika Tengah
Negara K. ini
Dipeluh oleh laut
Mereka berbincang revolusi dan Che Guevara
Macam diri pernah mengambil bahagian
Mereka memakai hitam sekaligus, hey hey
Menghisap Cigar, meminum Bir Belgium
Show off surprise yang di bawa balik
Dari negara yang simpletu:
Seharusnya macamni,
Tapi bukan macamni disana;
Fikirkan macamtu,
Seharusnya baru betul macamtu
[ 點閱次數:6379 ]