


騎著單車幫英國人送信  ◎  Shanti
打開里爾克 2012-12-13 10:21:57
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(戴著帽子﹐ 這是一定要的。)

Is Herbert still in Miri?

Y blamed me for that.
But Herbert was "hit" in Vientiane.(Guan1 ngo2 meh4 si?) Not KL!

Herbert treated me well... that is all that I can remember. Ya, he is a casa nuova(here it should be viewed as impressive, don't forget Herbert is 86, or 88?), he is this, he is that, those "commentary" of his daughter for him I see as compliment coz it is nothing relevant, aha.
From the angle as an audience , those "flaw" became something interesting turning around actually, if not merely. ..

Herbert, you are not "the others"-- according to "this" country standard. Of course this is nothing new, you know, I know. I did not( I didn't and don't even need to say so) care what happened to you in Vientiane, or happened in the space beneath your door once it is closed-- which indicated Herbert,you probably want to reflect on your own or take a good enough rest. And so on. I have never cared. About those.

I meant.

Would I bring my colouring sungalsses to see Herbert?Just, because I have heard about all below?
-Herbert loved a girl from v.tiane at his 80s.
-Herbert used V.

Ehem. I am impressed. As long as not inf sorry affected.
It is not easy. Once the poet Woon said, his friend lost interest in beauty that means finished. Woon's love life I don't know. But the affection to beauty is one of the evidences of the love for life, that could not be too wrong.

I am easily treated by men in a way, in another way not.
Herbert sang son g? to me... OH

"Oh Spanish Eyes... "
Moreover he sang not just once trice.
He chorus!Dan

[ 點閱次數:5098 ]




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