


初戀  ◎  Shanti
初戀 2012-12-11 05:39:02
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(very raw draft, proof read not yet done. Read with and incare.)

1. Ein paar Leute
suchen das Glueck
und lachen sich tot

And when the time bowed toward the River... ....

I would really like to reconstruct the love story of my daddy and my mum, if possible.
It all started from a river... this verse has got a very deep meaning to me.

I love my father, of course, he is probably the man that I have loved, and am still loving, most in my life, this had nothing to do with so called "mania" if some mistook (sorry to point this out)before. I simply love him and thought, he is the perfect man in the world. Though men did and do not necessary to be perfect!

And that is why whenever talking about fathers it has to go back to a river... .... . (this was where my mum's memories about my father started...... )

But wait. I am convinced I should write a fiction instead of a non-fiction, let me reverse a bit... just a little bit, to get back to A River......

That is how this story get started...

My niece once telling me, Ama always repeat such words, “At that time, I picked a pail gathering water from the river... ”

My mom is beautiful... . If my dad is the perfect man in the world, my mother thus is, and was... the purest face in my mindful heart. I relate her to.. the lake greenish blue... ..... . . (hu2shui3 lang2, as we said in Foochow). Mom said, her life, the earlier part, according to Jiu jiu, obviously so much like 'kuxin lian*'. How I wished, could still trace it back,.. . herstories, my mom.

Till now I can laugh, and cry... already.. mum, she promised me many things. Once she promised me pear as I got sick, but never turned out, I 'forgave', though little, at that time. Mom 'bluff' she knew how to make 'kaya' or bun , but; no evidence so far,.... so good.

I have remembered the first bicycle in our home... .

I made use of it. Learning bike, it all started from pushing the vehicle, I did it first time when I was a kid.
It was a stainless-steel.
Almost, slightly higher than me? I couldn't totally recall.. though it is just an impression;it nevertheless reflected an image in my heart. Under the sky of
tropicana region a kid, at that time, held and pushed a two-wheel vehicle... .
my heart wets.....

I 'had' a "Mother in law" at the age of five. It was kindergarten.
Was 'married' to Luxi without me knowing, when I looked back from now, Ah, yesterday once more. We have Luxi and Keli, not just me, I can't imagine. How could that be? It was a wood, in pure wood colour whether or not burnt not sure really. ( Later, much later I owned a 'qin'... . , I just adored it, it whom made of wood.)
I didn't leave the topic, I am talking of bicycle, still...

I would first recall Luxi? Whom own the first pair of eyes, which, (cough)attracted another pair of (beautiful)eyes ?
I would like to first recall Keli, … Keli whom I’ll never meet again in real person… ….

Keli is dark, need not said, dark chocolate, I thought chocolate is dark enough.
Keli has jiu3wo1(dimple)on his cheek(or cheeks?)...
Luxi is also dark, not darker though. I am impressed so much......, my Luxi, at that time, afterwards turned into an electric man-- maintenance man.
But still Keli should be priority here, in order, my chu1lian4! Mmmmm!
Okay, let's continue, a bit.
The bicycle of Luxi's ma3ma1, carried 3 kindergarten kids! Could my dear readers imagine, three little ones hanging on a pure colour wood hung between the seat and the holders of a, bike??

I didn't see Keli again after our secondary school... ....
Had he become a handsome boy, man, till then?

But it was Luxi, my "Mother in law"'s boy. Not realized it even when I at once, at 5, rushed out from my mouth-- "My dei a ma..." Alas! All my sisters stared at me. WHAT? What did you say? You "admitted"?(I am my dad and my mum, lovelyproducedAi4qing2jie2jing1.)

But I am not (that) important, here what important are my mum and my daddy.

My mum loves my dad very much, and vice versa.
On and off...
My wai4gong1 had opened an exhibition for his Art in HK many, many years, (so many)ago until I could not recall actually... I had never seen my wai4gong1. A lingnanpai artist. My loss, frankling speaking. My mother, she said, or declared "If I were had to study, I would have become a scientist", kuo-oak-ga, she referred not just to a "normal" person in endeavour of the field, but the expert or even the top cream. I knew what she meant. She is, she was... ....

Waterfall, my wai4gong1's masterpiece artwork although it just occupied a little while ,if painting means times.

And who said and say? Ren2, human, or man, oneself, if not cared about oneself, even the sky and earth would killed him.I nevertheless should touch abit on once own at leastt one times.

For nor backward me, as I reflect, I have never changes. I wasn't sure who occupied and occupy a space for my , so called "chu lian", ren2 said, "not cared about sky long earth long, only owned once"*, nil, that is not me. During my youth, my slogan was "Not cared about only owned once, cared only sky long earth long." Am I being mean? Yes I am. I learnt from my post-university era friend, Ariel, till sky abundon earth old then.I also do not believe so..

[ 點閱次數:5730 ]


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