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密室。選譯 2012-09-18 08:24:23
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Biarlah angin yang berpuisi

Yang Mu(楊牧),trans. by: Tiong

Jikalau ku mampu menulis untukmu sebuah
puisi musim pan as, seakan rumput
memultikan diri sehebat-hebatnya, sinaran matahari
melayang kepada pinggang, mengalir
ke arah dimana kaki
berdiri terasing. Seakan sebuah gendang yang
baru dibuka, jikalau ku
mampu menulis untukmu sebuah puisi musim luruh
berayun diatas sebuah sampan kecil
memasahkan duabelas ukiran
seakan kesedihan mengulung diri diatas sungai
07:49 2012/9/22
sebagai naga kuning,biarlah aliran gunung cepat mengalir
menerbangkan dari mata yang terluka
gemercak,jikalau ku mampu untukmu
sebuah puisi musim dingin dituliskan
seakan-akan akhirnya jadi satu bukti
untuk salji, untuk tasik yang jadi kecil
buktikan memang ada orang yang mengunjung waktu tengah malam
mengejutkan seketil mimpi yang awal-awalnya
membawamu ke wilayah yang jauh
bagikan sebuah lampu untukmu, biarkan mu
duduk disana diam menunggu
dan tidak dibenarkan menangis

Jikalau mereka tidak benarkanmu
berkabung untuk musim bunga
tidak benarkan tenunan
jikalau mereka kata
duduk diam-diam
untuk seribu tahun
lepas musim bunga
hijau masihlah
nama kamu
mereka akan hantarmu
balik, ambillah
cincin mu
pakaian mu
menguntingkan rambutmu jadi pendek
melepaskan mu kepada aku
yang bersabar di tempat air rumput
akhirnya ku milik mu
akhirnya mu milk ku
ku memandikan mu
bagikan mu wain
beberapa gula minti
beberapa pakaian baru
rambutmu akan tumbuh
jadi panjang lagi, pulih kepada dulu
nampaknya,Sino masihlah
nama mu

Dan ketikatu ku akan tuliskan untuk mu sebuah
puisi musim bunga,ketika semua sudah
bermula sekali lagi——
begitu muda, mentah
akhirnya jua jumpa di dalam air bayang diri sendiri
yang matang ,ku ingin biarkan mu menangis sebebas-bebasnya
bikinkan pakaian baru,sediakan lilin untuk malam petama mu
Ketikatu mu terus biarkan ku tuliskan sebuah
puisi musim bunga,tuliskan diatas pintu jantung
rentak hati,irama darah
imej dada,ibarat tanda badan
ku meletak mu rata diatas tasik yang mesra
biarlah angin yang berpuisi


Belum tahu inilah rentak jantung ataupun didihan hujan...
begitu anxious, bunyi
namun dunia adalah begitu lebar
laut di sebelah gunung, lebih jauh
lebih jauh lagi ada pula sinaran bulan ada city

mu suka city dibawah sinaran bulan?

rentak jantung lagi didihan hujan lagi--
mereka bercakap tak? Vibrato
Lima menyikat rambut yang basah...
betulkah? Mata yang hairan
tak tahu seharusnya letak mata dimana betulkah
(tengok daun-daun terkumpul diatas tanah?)
mata, ada orang yang kata eye
eye maka eyelah

Jikalau mu rasanya eye yang merdu

Wangi simpanan-Sepuluh Garisan
/ Yang Mu

Mereka minum sikit, epal didalam matahari musim luruh
Anxious, asap meniup, penuh ke dalam kebun you
Biarkan saja, tengok… angina yang sunyi
Rambut seringin-ringan mengacau sebatang daun buluh
Pecahkan hati tasik, bawakan sampan kecil hilang cepat

Bajutu awan berwarna-warni, ah! Bajulah langit cemerlang?
Posisi berjalan kaki tanpa baju diatas muka air
Bukankah mabuk sebelum perlepasan senja?
Ombak dan angin malam bisik-bisikkan, Legend
Sebuah cerita kuno: Sekuntum bunga lotus didalam hikayat

Menyair Ke Ireland

Hari St. Patrick
Ku menanam sebatang treväppling didepan pintumu
namun.. pistol hukuman dah sampai
akhirnya pun balik. Dah balik
Yang Permulaan, bisikan cerah pada permulaan
bergoyang mengalir melalui Pohon Epal Liar/Wild Apple
Wither- Nolstagia- as if Ireland

Semacam malam winter Ireland.....
Tuhan melalui tempat perkuburan pemberontak
masih tidak tau macam mana offer to the bleeding
caused by violence, Major John Macbride yang mati
Pingstliljorna belum tumbuh sebaik=baiknya, lagi,
protesterna belum hilang, tetapi pun
masih banyak penjara dijalankan didalam kota

Ada orang tanyaku mengenai soal kebenaran

Ada orang tanyaku mengenai soalan kebenaran
Tulis diatas sepucuk surat ketat dan kemas, dari
Kota luar sebuah pekan kecil, tanda
Nama benar dan nummer bukti identiti
Usia (Di luar window sedang hujan, didikan daun bajiao
Dan gelas pecah atas dinding kurung), dialekt, okupasi
(Dalam kebun terkumpul agak banyak batang-batang pokok kering
Seekor burung hitam sedang berkepak-kepak).

[ 點閱次數:6367 ]

諾日朗Nuorilang/ By 楊煉YL Tr. Nur Suraya張依蘋  ◎  Shanti
密室。選譯 2012-09-16 23:53:20
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Eins. Sun Waves

Highland likes the fury tyger, burning at the beach where the myriad jumping with furious flow
O, only light, sunset flooded round toward you all, the earth hanging in the air

The robber’s yacht opened toward arms, rock toward breast, experienced eagle toward heart……
The Shepherd’s loneliness being eaten by the wavy woods
Flags flying, the fearful belief, transcending upon the bright bleu

For which disappearing cloud you all now mourning quietly for
Lie flat by the foot of ages, bearing the urge of sunset
Thousands millions plaque like plough anchored at the end of wilderness
Forsaken each other, forever forsaken: return the copper to the earth, let the fresh blood rust
Do you still toward every thunder storm pouring the tears

The yearly west wind from the depth of grit awakening the fate of gold miner
Restful path collapsed the cliff has no road, the stone hole of sundial gets dark
While the sky of ancient wish once again offering the myth of seven lotus

O, light, holy red paint, fire dance of fire worship
Carthesis of the gentle moan, granting the universe the peace of a broken pottery
Finally you all are shocked by such a grand glimpse
---------- the sun waits, an ecstasy for the falling of calamity.

Zwei. Winter Garden

(first draft)

Woods are frozenly red, like wearing the broken cloth of wind
Snow making noise beneath the foot
Rushing years always accompanied with a pair of new shoes bottom
The male sheeps scared of lonesomeness just because every ears
Turned the shout into mournings
Road, just nice for the labour of a cow newly bearing her cub
Collapsed amidst the bloody soil moaning full of whipping
The pole lamp brighten up even earlier, lovers darkenly dark like stones
Standing at the metal soulful bed can’t look clear
Meerkat is a tiring nurse, secretly
Retreat into the wound of garden for dream
Flower, underground preserved with pink meat
As if after the death of a child, remaining fresh soul
Stars which have not grown whole, with the fences locking us

Those who trust the words least, the poets
Empty snow, the rose withers since it is born
The fire flame leaving a pair of cold hands
The winter keeps busy, like a hard working editor
I, became what is trimmed by the sunshine
A dead body bowing down smelling own increasing smell
Alone in the north wind, the garden has far disappeared
It exists for illusion, finally returned to illusion
Tree and tree, blue music, performed by silence
And so the same snow fell twice from my shoulders
Covered the garden, I am the forgotten one
Stepping the beginning of a road, I am the mistaken one
Under the lamp without a person the road likes a dry throat
Reading, and the withered word observed for many years

Those who miss dead body, love to stroll in the garden
Those who Salute to the ruin, able to appreciate
A plot that drowns a kitty into the drain
Receive its head as if breaking a walnut
It must be a child, the child that runs into the garden
A child, more than everyone else, knowing how to smash a flower
Even the terminal is false, a burnt wood
Like the long mouth of crocodile revealing above the earth
The sky is grey like a day sleep
The sea vomits the fish bone, and pierce us into pain
Living beneath the walk of a knife
Every flesh fell as an unreviewing spot
Touch, this touch is non-existing everywhere
And the lump is in the depth untouchably expanded
A pregnant woman in black, wrapped with the raped spring
Eyesights pierced into branches
The swan’s neck bent as the pale circle at the bottom of water
We deconstructed the world with the skill of breaking complex eyes
Turned blind, the soul of each other reflected white snow
Exposed in the frozen wind
Bearing the pain of the growth of bone
Until, the garden is too shy to not be colourful
Being whipped by an unrecognized season for the whole life

Drei. Golden Tree

I'm the god of Waterfall, of Snow Mountain
Tall, strong, master the new moon
becoming the only leader of all rivers
birds forming home on my chest
thick jungles covering
the little path toward the secretic pond
My liberty is like a gang of deers who have just grown down
lust likes March
gathered up the power of the soulful vibration

I'm the golden tree
tree that harvests gold
the passionate longing from abyss
care not the proverbs from the weak surrounding
until my waves fill it full

Wandering female, female with the sparkling surface
who is the one who urge me toward the only drink?

My sight controls the night
twelve horns controls the windy flower of shiliu
I've come to every places, no shadows
Every strawberries I touched turned glorious
rising from the center of the world
I own you, me, the real human

[ 點閱次數:5489 ]

Bright Quartet  ◎  Shanti
A Calendar of one's own 2012-09-12 12:44:43
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/Zheng Chouyu

Ku mengembara melalui Jiangnan
muka yang tertunggu dalam musim umpama bunga teratai berbunga dan turut gugur...

Angin timur tidak datang, kapas pohon willow tidak berangkat di bulan ketiga
hatimu umpama sebuah pekan amat kecil kesepian
umpama laluan batu biru menghadapi waktu senja

Langkah tidak berbunyi, langsir tidak dibuka di bulan ketiga
hatimu umpama jendela amat kecil ketat tertutup

Bunyi langkah kudaku adalah kesalahan yang cantik

Ku bukan orang yang pulang, ku cuma tetamu yang melalui...

The Church in Matisse-Vence
(Taken from "Chinese Poems from Provence")

And everything can be so simple afterall
let the weather decide
the road the sunlight used to take
bringing different colours of the seasons
in the unreturnable life journey
there is always tender beautiful thing
You are more green than pear
more orange, than the pumpkin
and now had had the full taste of life feast
but see:
mutter. baby
The sky
a person wearing a monk's cloth
the tree of life
We sit here
seeing the light and shadow transfering
through the glass
different colours
turning bright and dark on our faces
can embrace hope

(Salute to the author of My/City & PK!)

Four Poems of Passion According to Matthew/ Chenli

The worm rusted your heart
Your body turned dim
The light inside secretly sewing
like a flower in wilderness
day by day
piercing your eyes
knock and open the pearl

No human has special talent
Playng flute
Eat and drink
Got the ears, to listen
Walk or sit on the street, chitchat with gang
What else is better than this small thing?

Put my head in the plate
Ask the carpenter to
Break the locked sorrow
Ask the maidens dancing in front
Opening the mouth of resurrection
Feed it with bread, fish
The whole basket of sea wind

Fish the big and small silver fishes
at the seashore, brighten up
the road of the one lost sheep
among the hundred sheeps
to be adored by the children in the world

Lover of Glow Worms/ Ya Si

The Figure of Mountain turns blur gradually
The night open up the sparks in the depth

Closing me and suddenly spin to the high
You fly freely it makes me dizzy

I know how heavy it is the dew
I search not the ray of moonlight

Thinking you disappear forever in the spectrum of the empty space
But return, each and each so close

The load commanded me to hide even better
Your light is tiny but fear not lighten up self

Suddenly flying close to the edge of lips, enchanting a bit of crystal
Under the star light feeling your breath my silence

Thank you for telling me the myth deep beneath dark night
However I am just a dim aura in the computer

On The Branch
/ZKZ Tr. by Ep


Why at this moment to the ancient
history turning back
Why are the myriad circling
Facing the forwarding time at the back
Why are the old message being carried by
The plaque
Why are the empire ruined
As if a waking up dream so big
Why has the blood river formed
Ahead of arm force on the paper
Why are the jail painted on the ground
In the name of freedom

Any sky beyond the sky
Saying within the saying
Electricity has its love in short circuit
Was that adolescence on its road
Leaving the calendar page by page
Backwarding footsteps
Are the night horses
Running toward eight directions
Till the edge of sky
Drunk by dawn
Has the color of waters and mountains changed
Long Wall on the paper
It is also the poetic green dragon

Who amidst the line of the saints
Reading us in silence


[ 點閱次數:6906 ]

想起有人吟唱﹕一切從這裡建立  ◎  Shanti
Review 2012-09-12 08:57:37
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非法伐木在东马所造成的问题已经日趋严重。从生态失衡到原住民土地被侵占,乃至湿地减少,水灾失控,这一系列的问题至今仍然缺乏许多论者、作者去积极讨论、书写(至少在缺乏东马在地知识的西马文人群中是如此)。初读〈哭泣的雨林〉,脑中相应的文本是潘雨桐的力作〈大地浮雕〉。同样是描写雨林被过度开发,同样是描述林中发生的意外,潘雨桐的书写策略极富神秘色彩(如水妖点灯、码头鳄鱼的传说),〈哭泣的雨林〉却着墨于伐木工人的爱情。在〈大地浮雕〉里潘雨桐形容伐木工人的妻子在意外发生时惊慌得“手里拿着的午餐盒掉落,撒了一地的黍米饭,像是祀丰山神和水妖的祭礼”,潘雨桐就连描述遭遇意外的夫妻情景,也带有诡异的色彩。至于〈哭泣的雨林〉里,作者则有着不同色调的书写,着墨地方也不尽相同。〈哭泣的雨林〉主要叙述一个伐木管工,为了让妻子生活得更好,总是不停勤奋工作,却在目睹几个同僚陆续在工地意外丧命以后,也步上了他们后尘。在小说里,“哭泣的雨林”是一个多重意象。雨林会哭泣,是因为被人类肆无忌惮的开发、破坏。然而当男主角遭遇意外在丛林河中死去以后,雨林与河流就变成了一个死亡的意象。(他凝视水中的自己,安静得像要睡足千万年)。然而这个意象是多重的。当场景来到描述男主角健在时夫妻恩爱的场面,雨林的意象再度被使用: “他感到丛林里有河水溢出,奋力迎上,一股沁凉顿时从深处漫延到四肢,无比舒畅,片时,他已随着河流的韵律节奏汹涌…”。多重意象的矛盾叠合,营造出一种特有的书写氛围。




[ 點閱次數:8154 ]

從眾聲喧嘩到眾樹歌唱﹐我是誰﹖  ◎  Shanti
永恒的生活eternal life 2012-09-08 23:13:20
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── 由螺旋終站‧法利賽戀曲思想起


開啟耳朵傾聽靠近波德申海邊的九州(Negeri Sembilan,森美蘭)芙蓉詩人邢詒旺二零一二年結局與開始的雙詩集(分別出版於今年四‧六月) 螺旋終站及法利賽戀曲之前﹐我聽到海浪聲。看到陳黎。陳膺文老師。作為台灣詩人﹐他“強力推薦”Pharisees Love Songs。這裡不是在暗示甚麼“天亮論”﹐也不是在強調翻譯的重要性。親愛的神造光與暗﹐有黑夜有白晝﹐所以我們需要黎明也需要夜晚﹐不然會變四川熊貓或貓熊。我們聽不懂的語言需要轉碼﹐需要翻譯﹐這也不是新的知識了。我要說的是﹕啊﹐陳黎到了﹐以這種方式﹖
(此外﹐我雖然並未明講我對馬來西亞文學的想法﹐我做了。二零一零年辦的第一屆馬來西亞國際詩歌節和第一屆多元文化與翻譯國際學術研討會﹐基本上傾注了我當時的全部心力。另一方面﹐雖則﹐我還是動容而心裡潮濕的﹕那一代人﹐他們在二十一世紀的版圖裡還余下多少歲月﹖而逕自還是關心而前瞻。 )
年中的時候﹐我代表大學中文系去支援座落長江(Sungai Long)的醫學院的華語教學﹐用漢語拼音教語言。班上就兩個學生﹐一個馬來人﹐一個印度人﹐我為她們命名﹐給她們華人的姓﹐艾諾莎(成了艾未未本家)和譚麗妮。期末正值中秋﹐我買了蓮蓉月餅與她們分享﹐且用漢語拼音朗誦李白的送孟浩然之廣陵﹐解說詩中的時間感及水天一色的天人合一宇宙感。最後說到李白被喻為謫仙﹐為”this world was never meant for one as beautiful as you”型人物﹐酒後在湖中以手劈月…… 講到這裡我抬頭看我的學生﹐驚覺兩人眼睛都明亮透著淚水。第一次﹐我真正領教了李白的魅力﹕即便是通過漢語拼音﹐兩個異族少女竟然也會愛上他。那一次﹐我認真思考﹐照理﹐中華文化可以把所謂異族迷得暈頭轉向﹐而為何﹐卻沒有﹖
年底十一月。我在花蓮。陳黎讓我上臺唱歌。我唱了Rasa Sayang﹐唱副歌的部份可能還載歌載舞﹖曲罷﹐鴻鴻說很喜歡馬來語的聲音。我百感交集。在“外國”唱馬來歌讓我感覺被愛。但﹐對於異同﹐我其實已經悄悄沒有問題了。我已經不需要解釋自己。如果有人問我﹐你是馬來人嗎﹖我就說﹐是。如果有人問我﹐你像印度人啊﹐混血嗎﹖謝謝。你是原住民﹖是。
十二月中﹐金正日火車上過勞死。我第一個反應是想到卷起報紙露出頭版新聞﹐拍一張類似張愛玲在金日成過世之際拍下的最後一張公開露面的照片。但也只是想了想。張愛玲﹐一個就夠了。人生﹐走了別人的路﹐自己的人生就成了”The Road Not Taken”。隔一天﹐緊接著哈維爾肺癌病逝。那感覺很奇怪﹐那兩天之間﹐空中看不見的部份應該是有過甚麼劇烈的交鋒吧﹐然後甚麼雙雙相繼墜落。哈維爾可以和Brodsky繼續上世紀未完成的辨論了。
與詩有關的日子皆奇幻﹐幸好總有有經驗的前行詩人適時指點。我遂逐漸學會接受。在台北敦南路的秋天裡﹐詩人告訴我﹐“我現在都不分析自己。”叮嚀我﹐ “依蘋﹐你要順其自然。” 是的﹐何其睿智的態度﹐自然是力量。記得朋友允中還在台大城鄉所時告訴我﹐哪有甚麼自然的女人﹐只有社會的女人。我知道我不是。我從來不是社會的女人﹐而就是自然的女人。

當天火車停金寶站的時候﹐車掌竟然告訴我“金寶不在這站”。於是多坐一站下車。一問﹐站名曰“象石”。感覺上好像被安排來touch stone。然後發現來了月經﹐站內沒有便利店﹐只好向站內辦公室的馬來女人要衛生棉。倒像是﹐到象石取馬來女人的衛生棉﹐然後由印度司機送回金寶﹐是行程的一部分。心裡失笑﹐“需要如此這般地一個馬來西亞末?!”
回到“開花成功”(Petaling Jaya)之地﹐大學網站的首頁就看到孔子與愛因斯坦進駐湖畔校園的消息…… 孔子與愛因斯坦對弈﹐某種理念與隱喻的具體。
然後就是七月。馬華現代詩研討會。(或半開玩笑﹕馬華男現代詩研討會。但可以扣除楊小濱﹑辛金順﹐前者有詩集女太陽﹐後者在現場發表的論文標題有幫傅承得問候“他者的媽媽”。) 既不是作為學者也不是作為詩人而出現﹐只是作為關心詩在馬華的創作者而參與﹐以及﹐和我的馬華文學朋友在一起。聆聽了十二篇論文之後的感想﹐竟然是﹐從一直以來微笑除了 “現代詩” 哪還另有甚麼 “‘馬華’ 現代詩”﹐到開始覺得﹐或許真可以有一種詩叫做“馬華現代詩”﹖又思想起李歐梵說了﹐而並未鋪敘的﹐“馬華文學是搶救回來的文學”。心裡再度有絲潮濕﹐有一種直覺﹐或許﹐未來可以嘗試賦予“馬華現代詩”某種新的意義﹖一種與眾不同的獨特意義。(紀大偉在對我思念中長眠的南國公主的評述中認為﹐馬華作為隱喻是“蕾斯邊”(此詞的英文剛剛被網路警察審查﹐遂音譯之)﹐此說可參考﹐唯待考)不是強調“本土”(土地和天空一樣﹐都不能切割的)﹐而已﹐而是一些其他甚麼。
2012年原本會有一本題目青春如此荒誕的﹐拉曼大學第一屆到第十一屆具有創作天賦的學生作品文集﹐6月出版﹐我心裡默念﹕“從一數到十一﹗” 馬大孫彥莊老師一直關心問起拉曼大學8字輩作品的出版。(而我們只有6百塊錢﹐學校沒有錢贊助。我很有骨氣的學生反對籌款。所以﹐只能紀錄在案﹕有一本拉曼大學馬華8字輩文集等待出土。 ) 是的﹐這裡有一些名字可以補上7與9之間的隙縫。可怕的事實是﹐缺乏鼓勵和支持的環境﹐這些天才畢業進入社會後﹐半年十二月之內就“還俗”﹐再也回不去那個看不見的世界了。(2005年勇敢愛劇場的那些未來的創作人﹐舞者哪去了﹖Where Have All The Flowers Gone……)
我知道﹐我一再離題﹐如馬華現代詩。出現馬華現代詩研討會現場﹐我沒有研討﹐只是在人群中聆聽﹐聽完黃錦樹“尋找詩意”的報告﹐我走出去草場﹐在孔子著長袍的大腿上坐坐﹐晃一晃腳。(愛因斯坦翹二郎腿﹐不好坐) 空氣裡還有很多未沉澱的音質。“李永平都不承認他自己是馬華作家了﹗” 忘了誰的失望的陳述。“馬來西亞有一些很優秀的作者﹐像是李永平﹐還有那個也是學者的﹐叫黃錦樹﹐都很優秀﹐我覺得馬來西亞很有前途。” 那年詩人在他生日的月份裡﹐在我面前對我善意提點。
袒露果肉的意圖” ──索飲
我屬於你” ¬── 孤獨
我的愛是一種罪” ── 距離

邢詒旺剛過33歲不久。2012年的雙詩集顯然是他思路“情動於中﹐形於言”的承與啟。詩當然不只是感情﹐詩當然有經驗。哪一種經驗﹖愛迪生的燈泡﹐需要為沒有看到的人而重新發明一次嗎﹖這是創作者的悖論。嚴重的情況下可以演變為文學與哲學的戰爭。邢詒旺於一與再之間似乎相當平衡。也看出跨到“詩言志”的諸般嘗試。在馬來西亞﹐詩與工商農對話談何容易﹐詒旺毫不靦腆調動真正的馬來西亞國語﹕吃。若有心經營﹐假以時日﹐其實可以開創“食野之Bunga Raya”態勢。
在馬來西亞﹐一個華人如果不愛馬來西亞﹐會有人罵你“寄居者﹗” 愛國詩人呂育陶和林健文會跳起來否認﹕我們不是寄居者﹗邢詒旺可能會說﹕謝謝你﹐你也是。他有一本在進行中的翻譯詩集﹐他說想要題詞 “獻給馬來西亞” 。我不無動容。卻不由自主想到某花蓮詩人的詩句﹕我們的愛是神剩的。
Pharisee, 法利賽﹐分離的意思﹔原初的意思可通holy﹐神聖的概念。與世俗分離﹐有份於神聖。法利賽人以身為文士,律法師著稱。
在螺旋終站為法利賽戀曲挑弦調音﹐邢詒旺將要行吟到何方﹖是選擇了某種分離﹐是更專注的詩言志﹐或是在無法無天的國度執行 “詩人是立法者”的法度﹖

我的戀歌必須是強大有力的 ── 戀歌 1981.8
My love song must be energetic and powerful
(我憑藉愛...... )
Suatu cinta yang agung sedang dilahirkan disini! 一個偉大的愛在這裡要誕生了﹗── 暴雨 1981.8

Du musst dein Leben aendern. (你要改變生活。[出自里爾克(Rainer Maria Rilke 1875-1926)詩﹐ Archaïscher Torso Apollos] 參2007年地下出版限量44本口袋詩集暗戀第五首遠古阿波羅的軀幹。)(由謝佩瑤[即蕉風8字輩特輯裡的堂詰科德]排版設計﹐駱世俊負責印務﹐漫延詩刊出版)

(上) 待續 [又及﹕某一屆的學生邱金志的願望是買一畝地種菜過田園生活﹔張光達的大學同學伍家良則說﹐就種在心田裡。(此說一聽五體投地)/口袋詩集暗戀也給了神的歷史譯者王國璋一本。他很搞笑地問﹕我拿來做甚麼﹖“不知道﹐會有用吧﹗”(肚子里嘀咕﹕詩是偉大的無用者的產品。)

>> Reading Myself--
Wish and Poetry (ii)/ C.C. <<
I read myself in reading poetry
My whole life
in my visit I read
the moving lines
word in prison
with the braveness of an emperor
attacking the poets who are serving
in the poetry

Death spirit born in the death
in poetry
Death is such an innocent world
Ironic in no harmony
rich in black market
read, write
live and die and live, and die
shifting me
the heart of content and lacking

Eternal taste
a disappearing life
in the visiting poetry
a self-jailed world, unable
reconstruction of this life

(中)/(下) (﹖)

Travel with the imagination of R./ My

Beginning in a bottle
of water

and blocked

in the crowded
earthen of crowd

You have snatched my waver
throw a way the sour sun
say, the spring will never come
forever never come

Weinende Waelder(哭泣的雨林)





(The flag shall later return the dew, back to a flower in the daylight……)

[ 點閱次數:9109 ]

A Reading! 兩首詩﹕4種語言=八首詩﹖  ◎  Shanti
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2012.6.20 在Kampar 湖邊的校園﹐馬來西亞拉曼大學﹐


Weiße Göttin, schwarze Göttin

Zuletzt reicht sie eine Schale Reis,
die weiße Göttin, die schwarze Göttin.
Die Harmonie der Dinge, wird sie sagen,
ist die Harmonie von See und Adler.
Was oben weiß ruht, ruht unten tief schwarz.

Der Reis ist weiß, der Reis ist schwarz.
Sie teilt ihn mit einem Messer.
Die Scheide ist ihr der lichteste Spiegel.
Sie scheidet Weiß, sie scheidet Schwarz.

Die Sonne war zu stark in den Bergen,
keine Libelle fing sie auf.
Die weiße Göttin kam zu leichten Schrittes,
über dem Pass wurde sie zur schwarzen Göttin.
Lang suchte sie da nach ihrem Kamm.

Wir flohen das versprochene Land
und schauen Berge nur noch in Schaufensterfluchten.
Da nippt sie an ihrer Milch,
und du schlürfst deinen Mokka,
sie spricht vom Adler tief über der See,
du sprichst vom Ruf hoch unter der Luft.

Es bleibt ein letztes Korn Reis.
Wird es schwimmen, wird es schweben,
mal schwarz, mal weiß?

Dewi Putih, Dewi Hitam

Akhirnya hidangkannya semangkuk nasi,
dewi putih, dewi hitam.
Harmoni benda yang akan dia sebutkan,
ialah harmoni burung helang dan laut.
Yang rehatkan putih diatas, akan rehatkan hitam di dalam bawah.

Nasi putih, nasi hitam.
Dia bahagikan dengan pisau.
Bilah pisau cermin yang paling cerah.
Ia bahagikan putih, bahagikan hitam.

Matahari jadi terlalu kuat di bukit,
tiada belalang patung tertangkapnya.
Dewi putih datang dengan langkah terlalu ringan,
diatas laluan dia menjadi dewi hitam pula.
Lama-lamanya dia mencari sikat di sana.

Kami melarikan diri dari tanah janjian
dan memerhati gunung dalam penerbangan melihat-lihat kedai.
Di sana dia sedang minum susu
dan mu menghirup kopi mocha,
dia sebut burung helang mendalam diatas laut,
mu sebut satu panggilan tinggi dibawah udara.

Tertinggal satu bijian yang terakhir.
Mungkin ia berenang, mungkin ia terapung,
sesekali hitam, sesekali putih?

White Goddess, Black Goddess

Finally she serves a bowl of rice,
the white goddess, the black goddess.
The harmony of things, she will be going to say,
is the harmony of eagle and the Sea.
Whatever rests white above, will rest black deep below.

The rice is white, the rice is black.
She divides it with a knife.
Its blade is her brightest mirror.
It divides white, it divides black.

The sun was too strong in the hills,
no dragonfly caught her.
The white goddess approached, too light was her step,
above the passes she turned into the black goddess.
There she was searching long for her comb.

We fled the promised land
and watch hills just in shop windows’ flights.
There she is sipping her milk
and you are slurping your mocha,
She speaks of the eagle deep above the Sea,
you speak of a call high below the air.

There is one last grain left.
Will it be swimming, will it be floating,
sometimes black, sometimes white?




飛龍 捉不著它。



Das neue Lied von der alten Verzweiflung

keine Nachrichten mehr
von Krieg und Vertreibung.
Wir sind wehleidig genug.
Auch grundlos vergießen wir Tränen,
nicht allein bei Häutung, Schlachtung
oder Speisung der Zehntausend
mit eigenem Fleisch.

nichts mehr von Todesspringern,
von Weltenbrand und Depression.
Wir ziehen das Nichts vor,
vor dem Leben und nach dem Tod,
vor dem Zweifel und nach der Verzweiflung.

keine Fragen mehr nach Sinn und Verstand.
Ein Stein ist glücklicher,
eine Wolke und ihr Luftzug.

Wenn nicht ungeboren oder überlebt,
möchten zungenlos wir sein
ohne Auge und Ohr.



不只為那剝皮 宰殺
或是 以個別肉身
無故 我們尚且落淚

疑惑之前 絕望之後

一片雲 風

若非未生 或是倖存

A New song of old despair

no more news
of war and expulsion.
We are hypochondriac enough.
Leave alone peeling, butchering
or feeding ten thousands
with one’s own flesh,
we shed tears even without reason.

no more about suicide jumping,
no more about apocalypse and depression.
We prefer nothingness,
before life and after death,
before doubt and after despair.

no more questions about meaning and reason.
More blessed is a stone,
a cloud and its breeze.

If not unborn or survived,
we rather be without tongue,
without eye and without ear.

Lagu Baru dari Kekecewaan Lama

tiada lagi bual-bual
tentang peperangan dan pengusiran.
Kami dah cukup seksa hati.
tiada sebab pula kami menangis,
biarlah pengupasan, penyembelihan
atau penyuapan sepuluh ribu
dengan daging seseorang sendiri.

tiada lagi penerjunan maut
dari hari akhirat dan depression.
Kami pilih ketidak-apa-apaan,
sebelum hidup dan selepas mati,
sebelum keraguan dan selepas kekecewaan.

tiada soal lagi tentang makna dan pemikiran.
Yang lebih bahagia adalah sebuah batu,
sekuntum awan dan bayunya.

Kalau bukan tergugur hidup atau terselamat,
kami ingin tanpa lidah,
tanpa mata dan tanpa telinga.

Written by Wolfgang Kubin
Tr. by Chantelle Tiong

[ 點閱次數:6701 ]

Apologies to Rare Earth  ◎  Shanti
密室。選譯 2012-09-03 13:23:04
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Apologies to Lake

by eL trans. by Tiong

Lake, I am more wet than you
I experienced wetness, knowing the wetness is
not dry, what you do not know
and really not experienced
but I tell you

Lake, you do not think yourself dry
too. Coz you are wet, dryness is
not wet, it is in my experience of
lacking water, is what you have not thought, you
too do not think, actually why thinking
is dry, lake

Lake, only one reason of the blowing of the
wind, wind is blowing. Ripples
is but the waves on surface, I understand
my experience
but lake, you do not know yourself,
without knowing, not knowing self is moving
too. This I do not want to
hide from you, nothing
to be

Lake, yes lake. Changing
experiencing incidents and time
is the word is me. Lake, apologies to you
coz a matter of accepting apology, this too you
do not know.

Sidewise Rare Earth
/ Xing Yiwang Tr. by Zhang Yiping

1. Diluted
It must be the homesick
urging you to search
outside a land
to hold this sadness

but why
have you chosen my homeland
to dilute your

why have
you used my beauty
to dilute your

dear stranger
for why
you have wanted to use
me, leaving me
with undiluted sorrow
from the very beginning?

2. Smashed
Smashed love, muddy story,
muddy story diluted and
transformed as rare earth landed from the sky

Look, again it comes the travellers
with their hope, ploughed the land as if opening
the wallet, write with the hoe, planting contract and love

The unearthed land voices up the unearthed voice:
Smashed and desperation
What to do with hope——

Love and story
What to do with contract!
Unearthed land once again uses the unearthed sound

The sky is merely smashed

3. Rare
The man shouted to the sky:
“Let me tell you, I-believe- not-!”

During those years, the anger we have been tracing……

I heard the echoes:
Let me tell you, I- care- not-

4. Rare Earth
Playing wise for love
Making our love more and more

The thing of most melancholy/ Y.M.

By now, those familiar taste
and the fog
have probably spreaded a way,
a green bird passing by, in front,
with its clashing strike
once, the spring water from the sky has washed
and brighten up our forehead, arms, and the toes
exposed to the tiny sand,
it spins and flies, sighing a feather amidst you and I

Need not search for details:
From afar
Leaves and lilies behind
Leaning on the fences is the thing of most melancholy
The wind came from the left
Passing through the bamboo gate and blocked by a red wall
With the stand of prophecy, at the opposite sky
There is evening cloud

Rounding toward the direction of your stand, those
Real and false swinging non-stop
Transparenting the past sorrow and joy
Stubborn and frozen
The memory
Sinking at the cooling tears. With the
Expression of seeking help, I ask you.

Terminal of Helix

Prelude: I should bring you into the river of time, or departing……

Cat by the window
withdraw your restless eyes
in concentration

As long as you
obey, the back of cat
trembling skiing field

Do not hug too tight
eventhough more light and soft than cotton
cat is not a pillow

Shiiii, cat
like to be in such longing
interact with you

x x x

Give me the depth
to fully filled with tears
hit at the low land
evaporate at high place

Give me ocean
as if give me bladder
let me be able
to accept the dirty

Like give me the wind
Give me love
When the wind no longer blowing
I love you in fog

Give me heart
like a damaged qin
I perform for you
repaired in melodies

Give me you
The wind is you
blowing in qin
as if in a shell

The quiet wind
napping in qin
the silent you
rotation of my heart

Reborn Poems: Sirens/ Metallurgy By: Chenli Tr. Chantelle

The sweet and bitter music:
Couple of
Harmony and Solitude

My Astronomy
From your eyes
Forecast the shooting stars

The Claw of Time
Carving all the beauty
Before forehead

Awkward, the beast who forgot
The actor’s lines:
I seek love with my eyes

Summer wind blew through
The colour of wild rose
Released the fragrance

You are the Light piercing into my eyes/ YGY

1.You are the autumn
therefore my every bunches of thoughts are falling leaves

75.Long time after
I have learnt there'd no longer be waiting
I have learnt, all will be spreaded into the darkness
When the daylight lost in its own ray
When the link between night and night are
no longer dream-----

And I have learnt you are not cloud.
You are the Pure Land
You are the full bloom on the lips, frozen poppy
Eternal Night
You are the Light piercing into my eyes

[ 點閱次數:5099 ]

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